The planets are equal in power . Between 2014 and 2017 I was a cleaner and maintenance man working at a restaurant. The way to avoid ending up institutionalised then is by having a higher purpose. Jupiter and Saturn will form a conjunction on December 21st, 2020 at zero degrees Aquarius. In Mundane Astrology, which analyses history astrologically, this conjunction is a major theme. You mentioned that in previous conjunctions, there have been assassinations and attempts. It may be worth looking at the relationship between the degree of the conjunction and the USA horoscope, or even the individual horoscopes of sitting presidents. What makes this extra special is that Jupiter conjunction Saturn takes place on the exact day for the winter solstice. You may even realize that your own fears and inhibitions are holding you back from happiness and success. Feb 7 to Nov 20 1902Jan 22 to Mar 10 1914Jan 6 to Feb 21 1926Dec 20, 1937, to Feb 4 1938Apr 13, 1949, to Jan 19 1950Mar 15, 1961, to Jan 2 1962Feb 23 to Dec 1973Feb 7 to Nov 21 1985Jan 22 to Mar 10 1997Jan 6 to Feb 21 2009Dec 20, 2020, to Feb 4 2021, SATURN ON ALTAIR 2º ~ “Sorrow and disappointment, mental disturbance necessitating asylum or hospital treatment and probably death there, separation from family or parents, danger of accident involving inability to work or lifelong affliction.” [1] “Building and seeking honor in daily life. Then, by the end of it in December 22nd, [2020], Jupiter performs its famous conjunction to Saturn, but no more in the sign of Capricorn, both planets will have moved to Aquarius at 00° degree by then. This should be within 24 hours or less, and in this case the range is 7 ½ hours. Acting honourably brings divine protection. The second square aspect to Jupiter conjunct Saturn (and possibly the more powerful of the two) is a square to Uranus. The secure structures you build will support your family and bring you happiness and satisfaction. At best this should make for a very levelheaded leader. Maybe look at both Jupiter-Mars and Saturn Mars aspects here : You are likely very productive and prosperous but your degree of success can depend on associated aspects and fixed stars. Of course, we have seen that played out on the world stage in recent events with each one being more polarized than the last. *  So I looked at how both Jupiter and Saturn faired in Aquarius decan 1 since the effects of this conjunction will be felt while they are travelling through this decan. After my findings, I am seeing this as a far more tricky conjunction than it seemed at first sight. Astrology. Success in steadfast honest work connected to real estate and financial situations . Fixed star Altair confers a bold, confident, valiant, unyielding, ambitious and liberal nature, great and sudden but ephemeral wealth, and a position of command, makes its natives guilty of bloodshed, and gives danger from reptiles. The next United States presidential election is on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. In my research I found a good few killers in this decan and even the Anti-Christ! The honouring of war heroes. but no Sun or Pluto. The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction ends the previous 200 year Earth cycle that brought us banknotes, capitalism, corporations, fossil fuels, and the industrial world. Instead, it goes off-piste in search of the wild, the wacky and the mysterious. It is a very effective repellant! and that Pluto is ALSO the son of Saturn and the brother of Jupiter. 00°Ari00’02” Nov 26 The Jupiter-Saturn synod occurs at the location of Pluto in the U.S. chart. Altair will always be in the same position in your natal chart using precession correction. Altair is good for advancement of lawyers and military men. You may have a feeling of completion or contentment with your achievements thus far. It doesn’t indicate that major events of the Jupiter-Saturn type will occur on that day. Saturn conjunct Altair: Sorrow and disappointment, mental disturbance necessitating asylum or hospital treatment and probably death there, separation from family or parents, danger of accident involving inability to work or lifelong affliction. The BIG SHIFT. Everyone wants to know what to do; how to work with it. During the "Great Conjunction" on Dec. 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be about one-tenth of a degree apart, their closest approach since 1623. In mundane astrology, it rules the U.S.A., space exploration, bombs and missiles. At this time you will be drawn to service-to-others rather than service-to-self. Jupiter is the so-called greater benefic while Saturn is the greater malefic. Jupiter conjunct Saturn transit is a time of opportunity, growth, and good fortune. Saturn enters Capricorn on 25 January 2020. You may find barriers to your progress which you need to climb over or go around. Of course, Jupiter plays the god of all gods, while Saturn is very clearly Satan! This is a time of greater self-awareness when you may realize you are not content with things as they are. December 21 marks one of the most important days of 2020. A look at December 2020 astrology, which includes The Great Conjunction & The Age Of Aquarius, Sagittarius Season, and a New Years' full moon. Not only that, but I found that the chart of the Anti-christ has both these planets in Aquarius (Though not in conjunction) according to Jeane Dixon. But with this conjunction we don’t have an opposition, therefore ideally we should be blending the best of the two rather than continually polarizing each side. Jupiter and Saturn align at 00°29′ Aquarius on December 21, 2020. The 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction is destined to be remarkable. When exactly is this conjunction happening? From $5 a month you will have access to the full un-cut Moon/Matrix reports, the 36 Decan online library & and the keys to all my deepest, darkest posts. Jupiter expands while Saturn contracts. Jupiter and Saturn will form their next conjunction on December 21 of 2020 in the first degree of Aquarius, and so most of 2020 will take place during the end of their cycle. You should always have faith in your abilities and trust your instincts. Jupiter Conjunct Saturn – December 2020. According to astrologer Daniel T. Ferrera, when a great conjunction occurs during an election or inauguration year, the president is likely to die in office. In the kitchen the hood vents were failing, the vibration was breaking the welds. Harry Secombe 0°09′, Herbert Quick 0°14′, Lleyton Hewitt 0°20′, Gustave Flaubert 0°20′, Linda Marshall 0°23′, John Lennon 0°29′, Paris Hilton 0°30′, Alexandre Dumas 0°31′, Christina Aguilera 0°38′, Justin Timberlake 0°41′, Walt Disney 0°43′, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex 0°48′, Pauline Collins 0°56′, Michel Temer 0°56′, Paddy Ashdown 0°58′, Bill Medley 0°59′, Placido Domingo 1°00′, Dick Cheney 1°02′, Roger Federer 1°06′, Neil Diamond 1°23′, Proclus 1°52′, Galileo Galilei 1°56′, Bruce Lee 1°56′, Gene Roddenberry 1°59′, Ringo Starr 2°12′. Try not to hold on to frustration and resentment because you will eventually lose your temper. The combination will bring a favourable time for you. Fixed star Altair at 02°03′ Aquarius is in the neck of Aquila the Eagle. The good news is that from the Winter solstice onwards, light begins to grow with the return of the Sun king! Jupiter conjunct Altair: Real or pretended religious zeal, hypocrisy, trouble through legal and church matters, and with relatives, disappointment over inheritance. The anticrypt of Pop Rivet Gun, vis-à-vis, Jupiter-Saturn: Abundance of Saturn, plenty of Jupiter and Neptune. We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The Great ... believe that it refers to 2020's rare alignment of Jupiter and Saturn, aka the Great Conjunction. Let us briefly consider the Jupiter Saturn cycle in astrology. Many historical events happen during these periods, for better or worse. The chefs liked that job. Astrology-heads are keying into this date because it could be a bumpy ride when Saturn and Jupiter move into airy Aquarius and out of earthy Capricorn. This conjunction is historical. Aquarian New Moon On the evening of 10 January, the Moon will be eclipsed by the Earth shadow, as a prelude to Saturn’s sole (in this cycle) exact conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn on the 12th. For the last 200 years, the Great Conjunction has occurred almost always in earth signs, but now, on December 21, 2020… It involves the meeting of both Jupiter and Saturn at the same degree of the zodiac. Synod locations and star alignments are listed below. Jupiter will be @ Cap 6 Deg.21′ whereas Saturn will also be @ Cap 6 Deg.21′. The most surreal year ever won’t go out quietly, as December 2020’s stars bring a total eclipse and major movements of Jupiter and Saturn into Aquarius, along with their Great Conjunction. If so, this transit will cause you so much frustration that change becomes inevitable. Fated events, lucky breaks, or deliberate actions will create opportunities for personal and professional growth. The zealous edge to Jupiter in this decan can go off the rails if it doesn’t keep grounded and in touch with reality. This great conjunction is conjunct Pluto in the USA Sibly chart. A focus on the military” [4]. On December 21, 2020, an astrological event called a Great Conjunction will happen between Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. What makes this extra special is that Jupiter conjunction Saturn takes place on the exact day for the winter solstice. What makes this extra special is that Jupiter conjunction Saturn takes place on the exact day for the winter solstice. A conjunction means the lining up of two or more planets in a sign. Some believe that the biblical “Star of Bethlehem” was the great conjunction of 7 B.C. However, when things do not go your way you may become impatient, unrelenting or stubborn. This generally positive aspect blends patience with enthusiasm and common sense with aspiration. Then they meet up again in Aquarius on the 21st. Jan 30, 1903, to Jan 26, 1904Feb 24, 1932 to Nov 22, 1933Jan 4, 1962, to Jan 10, 1963Feb 7, 1991, to Feb 13, 1992Mar 22 to July 1, 2020Dec 17, 2020, to Dec 22, 2021. Saturn rules supreme for better or for worse. Throughout history, it has been closely observed by astrologers and been linked to the rise and fall of royalty, leaders, and great people. I know.. it all seems thoroughly miserable! 00°Ari04’07” Dec 21. So, it’s like a sort of heavenly “family confrontation/come to Jeezus” moment and SATURN is the most powerful of all those three, being that it’s all taking place in “his” Sign! You are well organized and take a systematic approach to acquire the education and experience you need to reach your goals. Jamie how might Altair conjunct Altair show up in a person’s life if it’s almost exact while simultaneously alongside the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction and a 3 degree conjunction of the ascendant? Before we get into what this all might mean in detail, first a few notes on terms. ~ Nov 22 to Dec 21. My first instinct about this conjunction was that it had some kind of messianic quality. This is the beginning of a new era! Leaders who come to power at this time have a messianic aura about them, but they will have a dangerous, rebellious streak too. It started with Brexit V EU,  then Trump V Hillary, then black V white, and now the latest incarnation; mask-wearing or non-mask wearing. December 21, 2020 is the day that Jupiter conjunction Saturn in the sky is at peak power. There will be an atmosphere of anticipation building during the year of being on the precipice of a new era, while simultaneously old issues will resurface in need of resolution. The next United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. I’m pulling it back up as we near the end of this period. Fixed star Altair at 02°03′ Aquarius is in the neck of Aquila the Eagle. Here we find we are in a battle of good versus evil. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. However, there were assassination attempts against both those presidents. Great Conjunctions only occur once every 19.6 years. On December 21st, 2020 Jupiter is conjunct Saturn at 0° Aquarius. So pop Jupiter and Saturn together this coming season, and on January 14, Sun-Pluto alignment, prepare for a vibration that pops them a Part. Coppock says it comes “to know what it is to be on the outside, looking in. My first instinct about this conjunction was that it had some kind of messianic quality. Jupiter in Aquarius decan 1 is not a conventional, materially successful placement. religious , considerateness . However, we mustn’t forget that Saturn overpowers Jupiter while he is in Aquarius so this is not going to play out as the great Messiah that some might have been hoping for. Jupiter conjunct Saturn natal makes you a strong-willed and proud person, determined to succeed in life. 21 DECEMBER 2020 is the long awaited date of Jupiter conjunction Saturn. JUPITER ON ALTAIR 2º ~ “Real or pretended religious zeal, hypocrisy, trouble through legal and church matters, and with relatives, disappointment over inheritance.” [1] “To have the courage of one’s convictions, success through bold action. I have the same question about a conjunction with Mars at 0°18′ Aquarius… I suppose we should already see or feel the effect of this Jupiter-Staurn aspect with Mars, as they are only 1-2° away from the exact place. A great conjunction is a conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, when the two planets appear closest together in the sky.Conjunctions occur every 19.6 years, on average, when Jupiter 'overtakes' Saturn in the sky due to the combined effect of Jupiter's approximately 11.9-year orbital period and Saturn's 29.5-year orbital period. Might it make a difference that it’s happening in an air sign as opposed to earth? This marks the Suns very lowest, darkest point of the year. President Donald Trump is seeking reelection to a second term. This is a photo of my Pop Rivet tool. In this way, this conjunction of Guru and Shani will show its effect on the lives of natives of all zodiac signs. I have not written about Jupiter or Saturn transits to natal mars but it will be much the same as Mars trine Jupiter and Mars trine Saturn transits. You have reached the end of a phase of life and will feel like you have to advance to a higher level. So I bought a rivet gun, cut some aluminum, and did up patches. Full Moon December 29, 2020 – Welcome Change, Full Moon November 30, 2020 – Lunar Eclipse. Learn more about the astrology behind this stunning rare celestial event. Although this can be a melancholic and maddening transit it is also extremely heroic. We could use some good news right now. Ignoring the call to spirituality and truth could lead to severe downfall. Radical religious gurus come from this position with the scientific bent strong too. Hi Dawn. It is better to release any build-up of tension through creative self-expression and controlled self-assertion. Before I show the chart for Jupiter conjunct Saturn 2020 I will discuss the natal aspect and then Jupiter conjunct Saturn transit. The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi, Michael R. Molnar, 1999. The “great conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn will occur on December 21, 2020 – the northern hemisphere’s winter solstice. Also, if we are going all archetypal, then let us NOT forget that Cronos/Saturn is the FATHER of Jupiter, according to Greek mythology, and that Jupiter had Cronos tossed into Tartarus, the lowest of the Grecian underworlds. We note the trends six to seven years prior to the conjunction – especially the JU-SA conjunction at the fulcrum – as those years can indicate whether a significant change is brewing. But this one is the closest Jupiter and Saturn will have been since 1623! At their closest, they’ll be only 0.1 degrees apart. The Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunctions, and the new synodic cycles all occurring in 2020, engage a significantly new evolutionary energetic for all of humanity. Fly as high as an Eagle, take the bird’s eye view and do not get bogged down by low-brow, earthly temptations and distractions. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, takes place alongside this year’s Capricorn solstice. This conjunction is beneficial . 2020 Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions Without a doubt, the key astrology events of 2020 are the conjunctions between Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. I so love this unique astrology site. After my findings, I am seeing this as a far more tricky conjunction than it seemed at first sight. December 2020 begins in the tailwind of the November 30 … It’s not all doom and gloom after all. Aquila portends changes in the weather. Tied with benefic stellar bodies, Altair is credited with bestowing hardiness, courage and generosity. We started the year with the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn which had not occurred for over 500 years. Maybe with some kind of wave effect before/after the exact conjunction, like the sea falling or moving back to gather momentum and rise again (just making that up, this effect would better fit a opposition > trine, or opposition/square > conjunction differential) ? Also, didja notice that the “fixed star” indications all seem to be entirely TOO relevant to what is going on in the USA at this time? The Great Conjunction is a rare and very special astrological event that happens every 20 years or so. That’s why the Utah Monolith had rivets. Read More. Jupiter and Saturn are getting closer, as they near their once-in-20-years conjunction on December 21, 2020. [1]. At 15 degrees, it is the […] 21 DECEMBER 2020 is the long awaited date of Jupiter conjunction Saturn. Also that Pluto, ruler of said underworld(s) is standing hard by that Great Conjunction, at 24 degrees Cap. jamie what would you say when this conjunction trine natal mars of someone what would be the effect of this one. However, we mustn’t forget that Saturn overpowers Jupiter while he is in Aquarius so this is not going to play out as the great Messiah that some might have been hoping for. During this time one might have to seek solitude and peace so one can hear the sound of one’s higher self or god. [4]. Not only that, but I found that the chart of the Anti-christ has both these planets in Aquarius (Though not in conjunction) according to Jeane Dixon. Constellation Aquila has a similar influence to that of Mars and Jupiter (great pride, grandly liberal, commanding, cosmopolitan views). I see the influence of transits similar to that of a bell curve. I can see why some people might even get persecuted or even sectioned for having the unorthodox beliefs that come with this position. Either way, you will be breaking through barriers or expanding within larger boundaries. Then …. This marks the Suns very lowest, darkest point of the year. However, Austin Coppock reminds us that Saturn is extremely potent since it is so strong by dignity here. This marks the Suns very lowest, darkest point of the year. December 21st, 2020 – Jupiter Conjunct Saturn In Aquarius. Hard work, training, and life experience will give you a strong foundation on which to keep growing and succeeding through life. This could involve higher education, the law, religion, spirituality, long-distance travel, a new career, or a new relationship. At your best, you are enthusiastic and optimistic while also being quietly confident and self-disciplined. The next great conjunction is on December 21, 2020. Become a Darkstar Subscriber! Don’t balk at the fixed star write up for Aquarius decan 1! We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. 2020 Awakening 2020 is a powerful year of transitions. Jupiter and Saturn haven’t been visibly this close since the Middle Ages: How to watch. Funny: according to my ephemeris, the Great Conjunction FIRST takes place on the fifteenth, in Capricorn, where Saturn and Jupiter are at 28 degrees Cap. This is the most important astrological transit of the year because it marks the beginning of a new 200-year cycle. However, with a strong malefic it is important to work carefully, like when handling a very toxic substance. 2020 has handed out some doozies of astral events. Seriousness , righteousness, You can lead by example and teach with authority. Support from colleagues is foreseen. Even if you don’t feel restricted you will still seek greater freedom and prosperity. This might be a good time to borrow for an investment property, to buy your own home, or to renovate. But it does not aspect anything in Trumps horoscope. This is where science or technology can become a religion for some. It ends up being the same as the sidereal zodiac then when calculating transits. It gives great imagination, strong passions, indomitable will, a dominating character, influence over others, clairvoyance, a keen penetrating mind, and the ability for chemical research. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto conjunction in Capricorn will be maintained for the rest of the year. The Brit truly puts her finger on the pulse of the archetypes. And the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn in 2020 will be particularity strong for reasons you’ll see below. Jupiter Conjunct Saturn 2020. Jupiter, considered to be the most auspicious planet in Vedic astrology, will enter Capricorn on March 29, 2020, Sunday night at 7:08 PM, where Saturn, the lord of Capricorn, is already posited. Perhaps you could get financial backing to start or grow your own business. (In sidereal astrology this event occurs in the sign of Capricorn.) A well-defined career path is your key to success. It does indicate that the covid-19 economic recovery, which involves living with the coronavirus, will be slow and prone to falter. Losing your normally composed appearance would damage your reputation and prospects. President Donald Trump is seeking reelection to a second term. We have both Venus and Mars Retrogrades this year, three conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto due to Retrogrades, and a Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. Because of the importance of this conjunction, which initiates for each person a significant 20-year process, I offer this brief discussion of the Jupiter Saturn cycle. [2] The table at the end of this article shows this has been the case since 1940, except for the last two great conjunctions. The next great conjunction will occur on 21 December 2020. 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