Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! Approach the trap slowly and use a gentle voice. You don’t want to chase it out of one hiding hole and directly into another. Scare Them Away. It is illegal to interfere with them. Possums have a habit of getting into your house and although they are somewhat harmless, they can make a mess and can destroy some furniture and rugs. Motion-activated sensors are triggered after the possum happens to cross the devices. I have wrapped a 100 watt bulb in crumpled aluminum foil as a heat source for tiny critters. So in a way possums can actually be the perfect ally in pest control. I don't want to hurt him but those teeth scare me and I'm worried for Hooper, yes she's my dog, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and she's only weighs 15 lbs. However, they get startled when they get sprinkled. If by any chance, it’s unreasonable to release them back into your property, they have to be humanely put down by a licensed veterinarian at the trapper’s expense. You look closer and see that a family of local possums has moved in. Privacy Policy | 2013 - 2020 © Fantastic Pest Control AU. All rights reserved. - Putting up fences around your garden and other risky areas in your property where possums can find their favourite food. - Patching up holes that the possums may use as entry points to your house. . To keep possums out of your garage and away from your home, be sure to keep all doors closed, especially at night, when these animals are active. There are certain specifications you need to follow if you want to try and get rid of possums on your own. However, they get startled when they get sprinkled. If you decide to use only lights, be advised some possums (actually most possums) are quite pertinent. What can you do? It will not like this kind of treatment, and will find that it is a better idea to just scurry away. That should be done after sunset and no more than 50 metres from the capture site. Set up an oscillating fan in your garden with an extension cord. Terms of Service | If it has, seal up any entry points to prevent this from occurring in the future, and keep the doors to … They, like many woodland creatures, strongly dislike the strong odors given off by these two items. If you’re allergic to some of the ingredients, you might harm yourself inadvertently. Motion-activated devices could be activated every time an opossum gets near their sensor. However, the Brushtail Possum can be controlled (. Garlic is safe to use around your home and property. Some are too feral to accept formal domicile. After she's gone, be sure do a good check of your garage to see if there are any yummy possum attractants that are luring her in. For best results smash the garlic to make it more potent and put it … Coverage Area is approximately 30 feet to 2425 square feet. Opossum in the attic how do you get possums out of baby opossums in your house nhm top 10 home remes to get rid of possums plus 2 lethal getting a possum out of the garage you how to get rid of opossums in attic or under house how to get rid of possums in 11 ways pest wiki. Check the trap every day and move it to a new location if you haven't trapped the rabbit within a few days. So what I can gather is a possum was on our fence and caught the attention of our dog, dog followed possum until the possum jumped into the backyard and then dog attacked it. We can safely handle the possums on your property. Other ways you can keep the funny creatures out: Possums are very shy creatures so any loud noises will immediately scare them off or at the very least make it unpleasant for them to stick around. If you are willing to hold a truce with these odd little creatures, possums can be a great yard defense against ticks. If you decide to use ammonia, be careful! That 2-foot, tannish-furred critter knocking over your garbage cans that is neither raccoon nor household pet is most likely a possum, the only marsupial native to the United States and Canada. A natural possum removal solution that can ward off mother nature’s other forest creatures in a matter of 48 hours for good! Killing the little possum is completely unnecessary. I looked around the backyard to figure out what happened and I see a huge patch of fur by the side fence. Set a live trap in the garage. For possum problems in the garden, you can put up a simple chicken-wire barricade around the perimeter of your garden and yard. Collect pet hair after brushing your dog or cat. Your thoughts immediately turn to possum traps and removing the furry freeloaders from your garage. How to get rid of possums – Tutorial. You can also put up some wind chimes or bells to scare away the possums with loud noises. These are effective ways to keep possums out of your home. Possums are the heroes we didn’t know we needed! Specifications are as follow: If a Brushtail Possum is inhabiting your property, it can only be trapped by you, a family member, building manager or a member of the maintenance staff. A possum may bite as a last line of defense but usually, they will run off or resort to playing possum. Hesitantly the possum left the space through Spike’s pet cat door, battling to suit through the opening. This includes not feeding your pets outdoors anymore. Use ammonia and mothballs around areas where you have found possums. If you have a venomous snake problem, then keep that possum friend of yours around. Put the woodpiles in a shed and get rid of all brush piles in your yard. A bowl of cat food at the end of the trail would be like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to a possum. You can scare possums away by using motion activated sprinklers or lights. Scatter dog or cat fur in the areas that possums frequent. This wonderful possum solar powered repeller can keep those sassy critters out of your home, your yard, and your garden for only $49.99. Best of all you won’t need to recharge the repeller either! If so, then you probably know that possums can be one of the most troublesome pests that can linger all around and inside your home, and trying to get rid of them can make you want to pull your hair out. If you’ve caught a possum, you need to release it on the day of capture. I need some advice how to get a possum out of my garage. Close off any gaps under decking or in other areas with wire mesh. Take away their possibilities for making a shelter. Known for their trickster habit of playing dead, feisty attitude, love for all things garbage, and scary complexion these innocent creatures often get a bad rap. There are certain specifications you need to follow if you want to try and get rid of possums on your own. Eliminates Unwanted Guests Within 48 Hours. Possum in Garage. If the problem still persists, it might be a good idea to ask for professional help. Actually, pretty much what you need to do if you want to rodent-proof your home. This will easily prevent any possum nest from occurring in your garden, compost bin, attic, basement and in your yard. Since they are native animals in Australia, possums are protected by the, . Be careful when a possum plays dead on you. Go back and check the trap often, especially if the temperature outside is extremely hot or cold. Keep all garbage cans in your garage, shed or other fenced-in area that possums cannot breach. This possum solar repeller is safe to use around children. Possums eat ticks so all you need to do is scare the little guys into the woods and reap the benefits of a tick-free yard! Use high powered lamps to ward them off along with the solar. Failing to execute any of the above will lead to the most expensive possum control you’ve ever paid for. It is illegal to interfere with them. ). Turn off the garage lights and close the doors. If none of the above helps, fret not. If you decide to use only lights, be advised some possums (actually most possums) are quite pertinent. Do It Yourself Tips for Keeping Opossums Away - Opossums are one of the most unmistakable animals in North America as they are the only marsupial that lives on the North American continent. Specifications are as follow: Failing to execute any of the above will lead to the most expensive possum control you’ve ever paid for. Read on to find out how to never have a possum problem again. Buy the Possum Repeller today! It is 100% natural, and is made of fox urine. Keep your shed, garage, and any other structure in your yard shut tight. Place the hair in small mesh bags and hang them or scatter them around areas at which possums frequently gather. The only bad thing about possums beside their somewhat scary appearance and poor conversation skills is they do carry some diseases. Provide an alternate desirable location for the stray cat. The smell of a potential predator might be enough to deter many possums from hanging around. A fine of up to $5,000! To set the record straight, possums do not carry rabies! Possums are repelled by the stench of garlic, ammonia and mothballs. I have a bunch of boxes out there so I can't really see where it's been living. It’s not unheard of for a possum to wander into a home with a back door open when these creatures are searching for food. And once these devices activate, they will scare the crap out of that opossum invader. It is not humane to leave the possum trapped for long, especially if it's a nursing mother. This possum solar repeller typically sells for about $99.99. Cat or dog hair and crushed garlic are also options you can use. We service over 500 USA locations! Here you have all the other wonderful benefits of using a possum solar repeller around your yard and in your home: Don’t let your home, your garden, or that prize compost pile you’ve been working on get turned into a possum’s nest. Here in the state of New Jersey there are a number of invading wildlife creatures that are frequently found in our homes. If you are going to trap it, you must ensure the cage won’t cause an injury. Close off the all the places where they made a den. Purchase motion-activated lights and/or sprinklers. - Not leaving rubbish or food lying around for the vermin to feast at. This means it’s illegal to kill or harm them! Which means water is more efficient and also a natural method to deter possums. There are several very important points you should know about that will help you deter them. Possums aren’t as wary as their woodland counterparts when it comes to traps. Once you have captured a possum in your live trap, check your local authorities to make sure you are correctly relocating the animal. On top of ridding your home, garden, and yard of possums fast it can save you time. This is a possum repellent and can also be considered as a poison. Need possum removal in your hometown? However, the Brushtail Possum can be controlled (if you can identify it). It’s best left to professional possum control technicians. DISCLAIMER: The information presented on this website is our own opinion that we share for entertainment purposes only. There are still a few other things you can do to get rid of the vermin, such as, Actually, pretty much what you need to do if you want to, - Putting up fences around your garden and other risky areas in your property where, Install motion-activated sprinklers and/or lights, Sprinkle predator hair around your property. You get to save even more money with this repeller since you won’t have to constantly buy batteries. Every time a possum walks into the activation field, they will be put into the spotlight and/or sprinkled with water. If a … All you have to do is set up a couple of traps in strategic places and voilà you caught a possum! That is why handling this threat becomes a lot tougher than dealing with other pests. Concluding remarks. Open a door on the garage and leave the area, which will give the snake time to leave on its own accord, and most will. If you’re going to trap a possum, make sure it’s safe from direct sunlight, rain, wind, your pets, or other danger to its well-being. - Moving the rubbish bins further away from your home. Following the aforementioned remedies should be sufficient to keep the possum out. Now you won’t have to make that expensive pest control call! She's like a little baby. Put the woodpiles in a shed and get rid of all brush piles in your yard. Toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, tularemia, relapsing fever, and so on are all disease a possum may carry. Still, even then you need to be extremely careful. Put the "radiator" inside a cardboard box placed in a suitable location with the entrance protected. Take the time today and order a brand new possum solar repeller! This will easily prevent any possum nest from occurring in your garden, compost bin, attic, basement and in your yard. The sight and sound of the fan should scare the possums away. One of the best of these is to simply spray it with your garden hose. Just lay out a trail of good possum snacks for her and let her toddle off. Purchase motion-activated lights and/or sprinklers. Contact Us. I've had a possum living in my garage for some time now. The cool thing about this type of pest control product is you won’t have to constantly buy new batteries to keep the possum repeller working. This site uses cookies. The pinwheels will spin in the wind. These skittish marsupials … Spike’s garage area was being infested once again by a possum that continuouslied grow fatter by consuming my pet cat’s food. - Cutting the grass (you’ve been meaning to do that for weeks, anyway). This product covers a wide area both inside and outside your home, yard or garden. Smells like mothballs, ammonia, and garlic can help repel the pests. Have you ever had an issue with possums in or around your home or in your trash? If none of the above helps, fret not. This stuff can be really dangerous for you. This means you won’t have to spend a bunch of money on poisons and other hazardous solutions. You won’t need to kill the little critter and you won’t have to wait around for the pest control man either! All right, so you have a pesky little possum hanging around in your house, basement, attic, garden, or woodshed. Check back in the garage after an hour to see if the snake has left. They are difficult to handle and there are laws protecting them. They won’t be scared off that easily. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The most commonly recommended method of ousting opossums is by pouring some household ammonia in a coffee can and placing an old rag or towel in with it to act as a wick to help disperse the fumes. Live traps are metal cages that trap the bunny without harming it. Also, you won’t get rabies from a possum bite either. Place a towel over the cage to avoid frightening the possum. So go ahead and scatter those around where you think possums might hang out. Possums can threaten your pets, spread disease, cause structural damage, destroy anything you keep in the attic or basement, harm your kids, and a lot more. Try at your own risk! If, however, the problem persists, you should call a professional pest control service. Do this everywhere that looks like a potential possum shelter. They won’t be scared off that easily. Please make your own research prior to taking any action based on content. Tie a few ribbons to the fan so that they stream out when the fan is running. Keep your shed, garage, and any other structure in your yard shut tight. Basically, a possum has a natural immunity to rabies thus they are unlikely to be rabid. Or a certified possum controller. Inspect where possums frequently reside on your property and scatter dog, cat, or whatever potential predator hair you can get your hands on. You can place these devices around the perimeter of your house, around trees, at the front of your property, and any other spots where possums frequent. Every time a possum walks into the activation field, they will be put into the spotlight and/or sprinkled with water. This product is environmentally friendly for you, your home, and your local woodland fauna thanks to the possum solar repeller’s green energy solar panels. Once you have relocated far enough, carefully open the trap and release the animal. Ammonia as a Possum Repellent; An additional way to get rid of possums is by using ammonia. Read the labels carefully, though. However, if you insist on handling the problem on your own, we’ll show you how to scare the possums. More Related Helpful Resources – How to Get Bats Out of Your House Find out, The Most Efficient Ways to Keep Possums Away, If you decide to use only lights, be advised some possums (actually most possums) are quite pertinent. Since these creatures are fairly harmless and good for the environment you would be better off using friendlier methods for possum removal. Spray a possum repellent around the place you’ve noticed possum activity or any possible entry points. You can also use the chicken-wire to seal up any holes where the possums are entering your home. How to Scare Away & Get Rid of Opossums in Your Basement, Garage, Attic & House in Cherry Hill, NJ. You can read more about the law here. Their low body temperature makes it next to impossible for the virus to infect them. You head down to the garage to start your car, and notice a number of pairs of bright eyes blinking at you from above the roller door in the garage. Possum Repeller Special Offer – ONLY $49.99. These odd little guys love to eat snakes, especially the venomous kinds! A constant diet regimen of great meals will make any sort of possum fat. It’s important to note it’s not a good idea to leave your dogs or cats to handle the intruders. But if you really want those possum problems in the garden gone, you can always put up a simple chicken-wire barricade around the perimeter of your garden and yard. They, like many woodland creatures, strongly dislike the strong odors given off by … This is just a guess, I'm not too sure. Stay out of the garage except to check the trap. Still, even then you need to be extremely careful. Ward off the rest of nature’s furry fury today! They might get injured and you might have a problem on your hands if they kill a possum. Fox urine granules scare away not only possums, but also other harmful animals from your place, and neither you nor your pets will suffer from it. Pest Destruct is a great company that offers mind-blowing guarantee… If you buy this Possum Solar Repeller and aren’t 100% satisfied with it, you’ll get your money back and keep the device! This money-saving possum solar repeller comes with many other awesome benefits. The possum repeller will stay powered up for as long as there is sunlight. You can also use the chicken-wire to seal up any holes where the possums might be entering your home. If these measures fail to keep possums out of your garden, consider using a commercial possum spray, which you can purchase from a local garden supply store. Which means. Make sure you eliminate their food source. Once you’ve caught yourself a possum you will then need to release him or her back into a more suitable home, preferably the woods a good distance away from your neighborhood. Possums, otherwise known as Opossums, are North America’s only marsupial. Click here to hire us in your town and check prices - updated for year 2020. If you want the possum out of your garage, build or buy it a "possum box" put the apple into that for a week or 2 & if after that time the possum doesn't move out of your garage & into the box, leave a radio on in the garage all day to give the possum a restless "night" sleep & encourage it to look for a better/quieter place to live. Both will help keep the possums away, though. It is easy to use, it is enough to scatter the granules around the area you want to protect. There are still a few other things you can do to get rid of the vermin, such as making your property a bit less hospitable. Garlic works best when it’s crushed. When using these options make sure you also understand the risks to your environment. Hey want to join our Fantastic team and become a REAL professional? Closing the hole while the possum is away is the best way to get rid of it, as a possum usually only stays in one area for a maximum of three days. Since they are native animals in Australia, possums are protected by the Wildlife Act 1975. So go ahead and scatter those around where you think possums might hang out. Shake-Away is safe for kids and isn’t poisonous. Fleas, ticks, mites, and lice can also be carried by possums. Place a few apple slices or lettuce leaves in the trap to entice the rabbit. With the sprayer attachment hooked onto the end of your hose, if you spray the possum forcefully enough it will simply run away. Keep an eye out for holes and burrows nearby your house. I rarely see him/her, but the dry cat food was dissapearing too fast for one cat, things were knocked over a lot and one time, I saw a rat like tail jet out from under the steps. UPDATE: Pest Destruct is offering a special 50% DISCOUNT, Discount link: Possum Repeller Special Offer – ONLY $49.99. We have mice, rats, bats, squirrels, raccoons, skunks and opossums AKA possums. How to scare a ‘possum away Opossums are found all over the country and are just as at home in your garage or yard as they are in the wild. You can use a container with a lid (such as a coffee cup) and put a rag through a hole so it acts as a medium. Solve your possum troubles today so you can sleep well tomorrow knowing your uninvited garden guests are gone. Use ammonia and mothballs around areas where you have found possums. For tips on how to keep possums out of your fruit trees, read on! The repeller works well against other animals such as raccoons, woodpeckers, deer, snakes, foxes, mice, hares, skunks, squirrels, stray dogs and cats, and more. But if you order your brand new repeller now with our 50% discount, you will not only save money but also save yourself the trouble of dealing with these feisty creatures directly! When it comes to gardens, possums love to eat lots of insects, compost, rotten vegetation, toads, frogs, garbage, birdseed, baby birds, rodents, fruits, vegetables, carrion, and more. © | They won’t be scared off that easily. Possums are irritated by it and will keep their distance. To scare the opossums away from your property or home, you should purchase motion-activated devices or motion-activated sprinklers. This includes: - Trimming the trees to cut the access to the roof and stop possums from getting into your home. This possum solar repeller has the capacity to take care of many other forest dwellers and backyard pests. 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