chilean war of independence Written by on in Uncategorized It was ruled by a governor, appointed by the Spanish, who answered to the Viceroy in Buenos Aires.Chile's de facto independence in 1810 came about as a result of a number of factors, including a corrupt governor, the French occupation of Spain and growing sentiment for independence. Allegedly among her plan was to send armies to occupy Buenos Aires and northern Argentina and to style herself as Queen of La Plata. This enabled the Spanish royalist army to defeat the revolutionaries at the Battle of Rancagua in 1814 and to reestablish royal control of Santiago. [4][5], Articles with Spanish-language external links, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia,,,, Chile was able to win its independence and, in doing so, established its own currency. Set in 1814, “The Wealth of the World” pivots on a peasant (played by “To Kill a Man’s” Daniel Candia) rendered deaf by a bullet, and a soldier blinded during the … Already in Chile, as in most of Latin America, there had been some independence agitation but minimal and concentrated in the very ineffectual Conspiracy of the Tres Antonios back in 1781. In June 1810 news arrived from Buenos Aires that Napoleon Bonaparte's forces had conquered Andalusia and laid siege to Cádiz, the last redoubt against the French on Spanish soil. In one of his more celebrated actions, he disguised himself as a beggar and succeeded in obtaining alms from Governor Marcó del Pont himself, who by that time had put a price on Rodríguez's head. Battles of the Chilean War of Independence: Battle of Chacabuco, Battle of Las Tres Acequias, Battle of Tarpellanca, Battle of Pileo: Books, LLC, Books, LLC: Books ¡junta queremos!" What started as a political movement among elites against the colonial power, ended as a full-fledged civil war. Count Toro Zambrano was, by all standards, a very unorthodox selection. However, the last Spanish territory in Chile, the archipelago of Chiloé, was not conquered until 1826, during the government of Ramón Freire, O'Higgins' successor. Depending on what terms are used to define its … It was eventually decided that elections for the National Congress, to be composed of 42 representatives, would be held in 1811. The resulting Battle of Chacabuco, on February 12, 1817, was a decisive victory for the independence forces. García Carrasco took over the post of Governor of Chile in April and in August the news of the Napoleonic invasion of Spain and of the conformation of a Supreme Central Junta to govern the Empire in the absence of a legitimate king reached the country. However, his forces were surprised and very badly beaten at the Second Battle of Cancha Rayada on March 18, 1818. Later Cochrane disembarked troops under commander William Miller at northern Chiloé Island in order to conquer the last Spanish stronghold in Chile, the Archipelago of Chiloé. In the southern half of the continent the breakthrough for the independence movement came with José de San Martin’s creation of an army of the Andes. The revolt sputtered, and Figueroa was arrested and summarily executed. They resented the illegal arrests and, together with the news that Cádiz was all that was left of a free Spain, finally solidified in their opposition to the Governor. The pro-independence criollos who wanted political and economical independence… In early 1817, some 5,000 soldiers, led by San Martin, crossed the Andes-a feat never done before-and defeated the Spanish at the Battle of Chacabuco on February 12, 1817. The Chilean War of Independence was a war between pro-independence Chilean criollos seeking political and economic independence from Spain and royalist criollos supporting continued allegiance to the Captaincy General of Chile and membership of the Spanish Empire. He is born John MacKenna, the son of William MacKenna of Willville House near Monaghan and Eleanora O’Reilly and, on his mother’s side, … San Martin took Santiago and proclaimed Chilean independence a year later. The Chilean War of Independence was fought from 1810 to 1826 when Chilean patriots fought for their independence from the Spanish Empire as a part of the South American Wars of Liberation. ( Log Out /  [2], The Chilean ruling elite adopted a free trade policy already in 1811 with the "Decreto de Libre Comercio". The battle of Maipu secured Chilean independence. Both of these prestigious institutions have survived to the present day. The Chilean War of Independence was a war between pro-independence Chilean criollos seeking political and economic independence from Spain and royalist creoles supporting continued allegiance to the Captaincy General of Chile and membership of the Spanish Empire.Traditionally, the beginning of the war is dated as September 18, 1810. He named himself Supreme Director, a position which he would occupy for exactly 30 hours, which was the time the living, but wounded, O'Higgins took to return to Santiago and reclaim command. This declaration eventually led to over a decade of violence and warring which did not end until the last royalist stronghold fell in 1826. After the attempt by Gaínza, the two sides had signed the Treaty of Lircay on May 14, nominally bringing peace but effectively only providing a breathing space. Generals José de San Martín (left) and Bernardo O’Higgins (right) during the crossing of the Andes. The Government Junta of the Kingdom of Chile, also known as the First Junta, was organized with the same powers as a Royal Governor. Although Moderates—who continued advocating political control of the elites and greater autonomy without a complete rupture from Spain—gained the majority of seats, a vocal minority was formed by Extremist revolutionaries who now wanted complete and instant independence from Spain. On September 18, 1810, Chile broke from Spanish rule, declaring their independence (although they still were theoretically loyal to King Ferdinand VII of Spain, then a captive of the French). In early 1817, some 5,000 soldiers, led by San Martin, crossed the Andes-a feat never done before-and defeated the Spanish at the Battle of Chacabuco on February 12, 1817. The subsequent five years, however, were to see a spectacular reversal of fortunes, brought about in large measure by the courage, skill and persistence of a handful of revolutionary leaders who were not prepared to abandon their struggle for independence. The royalist force landed and moved to Chillán, demanding complete surrender. Eventually, however, a National Congress was duly elected, and all 6 deputies from Santiago came from the Moderate camp. As San Martín worked to establish internal stability, O'Higgins also looked to defend the country against further external threats by the Spanish and continue to roll back imperial control. The Extremists were the second most important group and they advocated a larger degree of freedom from the Crown and a faster pace of reforms stopping just short of full independence. Through his subsequent daring exploits, Rodríguez became a romantic hero of the revolution. It supported the independence movement. So, the Santiago elections were the key to Rozas' desire to remain in power. ). Since her father and brother were being held prisoners in France, she regarded herself as the heiress of her captured family. The liberating Army of the Andes was prepared by 1817. Spain’s hold on the Chilean coast and sea lanes was broken by Chile’s small navy under the command of Lord Thomas Cochrane (1775-1860), an able British officer, who successfully bombarded Spanish forts and seized numerous warships between 1818 and 1820. (Prago 139) The troops landed in Concepción, where they were received with applause. The newly instituted regime in Buenos Aires proved incapable of asserting its authority over Paraguay, which had declared its own independence in 1811, or over the Banda Oriental, which was later to evolve into an independent Uruguay. The independence wars in Chile (1810–1818) and Peru (1809–1824) had a negative impact on the Chilean wheat industry. Independence did not have unanimous support among Chileans, who were divided between independentists and royalists. The Chilean War of Independence was a war between pro-independence Chilean criollos seeking political and economic independence from Spain and royalist creoles supporting continued allegiance to the Captaincy General of Chile and membership of the Spanish Empire.wikipedia Set in 1814, “The Wealth of the World” pivots on a peasant (played by “To Kill a Man’s” Daniel Candia) rendered deaf by a bullet, and a soldier blinded during the … Independence was all but secured, and worries about internal divisions were allayed when O'Higgins saluted San Martín as savior of the country, a moment which came to be known as the Embrace of Maipú. Independence did not have unanimous support among Chileans, who were divided between independentists and royalists. Their first measure was to take a loyalty oath to Ferdinand VII as legitimate King. The Chilean War of Independence began in 1810 and ended in 1826. On the first anniversary of the Battle of Chacabuco, O'Higgins formally declared independence. Simón Bolívar was a military and political leader and played a key role in The troops disembarked at Concepcion, and recruited a number of Amerindians to join their ranks. In Chile, the Patriot army was decisively defeated in October 1814 by royalist forces descending from Peru; in New Spain, a year later, Morelos was caught, defrocked and executed; and by the end of 1816 Morillo’s army had recovered control over most of Venezuela and New Granada. The remoteness of the La Plata region offered at least temporary protection from royalist attempts to recover it, but even here by 1816 the cause of independence was in serious trouble. San Martin soon exiled Carrera because of seditious activities. By this time, Spain was planning to send a military expedition to the River Plate, and the movement for independence threatened to unravel. This explains why the war that began in 1813 did not respond to a conflict of national liberation (Spain against Chile), as well as why independence was only one, and not necessarily the most popular, political option until well into de 1810s. Count Toro Zambrano was elected President, and the rest of the positions were distributed equally among all parties, but the real power was left in the hands of the secretary, Juan Martínez de Rozas. García Carrasco, who was a supporter of the carlotist group, managed to magnify the political problems by taking arbitrary and harsh measures, such as the arrest and deportation to Lima without due process of well-known and socially prominent citizens under simple suspicions of having been sympathetic to the junta idea. What started as a political movement among elites against the colonial power, ended as a full-fledged civil war. The sun as witness!”. ) took a public loyalty oath to the Regency Council in front of a massive audience, which put added pressure on the Governor to define himself. Salazar, Gabriel. Only after the band of Vicente Benavides was liquidated in 1822 was the region around Concepcion finally pacified. 126 relations. Prominent members of the government were Carrera's brothers Juan José and Luis, as well as Bernardo O'Higgins. The following are among the main causes that led to the independence process in Chile: - The abdication of King Ferdinand VII and his son Carlos to the Spanish throne, forced by Napoleon Bonaparte. The Chilean War of Independence was a war between pro-independence Chilean criollos seeking political and economic independence from Spain and royalist criollos supporting continued allegiance to the Captaincy General of Chile and membership of the Spanish Empire. ("We want a junta! The Guerra a muerte phase was particularly destructive and ended only to see a period of outlaw banditry (e.g. O'Higgins wanted to defend the city of Rancagua, while Carrera wanted to make the stand at the pass of Angostura, a more felicitous defensive position but also closer to Santiago. The “Embrace of Maipú” between José de San Martín and Bernardo O’Higgins, after the victory in the Battle of Maipú. The Suomen Ilmavoimat (Finnish Air Force). ¿Jura usted defender la patria hasta derramar la última gota de sangre, para conservarla ilesa hasta depositarla en manos del señor don Fernando VII, nuestro soberano, o de su legítimo sucesor; conservar y guardar nuestra religión y leyes; hacer justicia y reconocer al supremo Consejero de Regencia como representante de la majestad Real? San Martin ordered the mounted grenadiers led by Hilarion de la Quintana to charge against the regiment. From that moment on the pressure for his removal began to build. Its beginning is traditionally dated as September 18, 1810 and, depending on what terms one uses to define the end, extended until 1821, when royalist forces were expelled from mainland Chile, or 1826, when the last Spanish troops surrendered and the Chiloé Archipelago was incorporated to the Chilean republic. As a result, in 1813, he sent a military expedition by sea under the command of Antonio Pareja to deal with the situation in Chile (sending another force by land to attack northern Argentina). Pincheira brothers) occur until the late 1820s. A declaration of independence was officially issued by Chile on February 12, 1818 and formally recognized by Spain in 1844, when full diplomatic relations were established.[1]. Because of the disagreements and resulting lack of coordination, the independence forces were divided, and O'Higgins was obliged to meet the royalists at Rancagua without reinforcements. These groups were all decidedly against independence from Spain and differentiated themselves only in the degree of political autonomy that they sought. After a brief interim regency by Juan Rodríguez Ballesteros, and according to the succession law in place at the time, the position was laid claim to and assumed by the most senior military commander, who happened to be Brigadier Francisco García Carrasco. He was a very old man already (82 years old at the time) and moreover a "criollo" (someone born in the colonies) as opposed to a "peninsular" (someone born in Spain). Todaís triumph is ours. The Guerra a muerte phase was particularly destructive and ended only to see a period of outlaw banditry (e.g. While Chileans celebrate their independence on September 18th, their declaration in 1810 was the start of a long struggle and the Chilean war of Independence lasted for eight years before Chile could officially proclaim independence on February 12th 1818. O’Higgins, still injured by the wound received in Cancha Rayada, arrived during the final action at the hacienda. Anna Marie de la Fuente. Learn how your comment data is processed. San Martín was proclaimed Supreme Director, but he declined the offer and put O'Higgins in the post, where he would remain until 1823. At the start of 1808, the Captaincy General of Chile—one of the smallest and poorest colonies in the Spanish Empire—was under the administration of Luis Muñoz de Guzmán, an able, respected and well-liked Royal Governor. THE WAR OF THE SPANISH SUCCESSION – FRANCE. The independence wars in Chile (1810–1818) and Peru (1809–1824) had a negative impact on the Chilean wheat industry. Henry Greer 3 main events that happened = 1810, start of the rev. To further secure Chilean independence, San Martín launched a series of actions against armed bands in the mountains, consisting of assorted outlaws, royalists, and Indians who had taken advantage of the chaos of military expeditions and forced recruitments to pillage and sack the countryside. He resolved to recall his son-in-law, Mariano Osorio, sending him south with another expeditionary force. Among those arrested were José Antonio de Rojas, Juan Antonio Ovalle and Bernardo de Vera y Pintado. This was the event that sparked other events to come -- 1829 civil war and 1891 civil war. In these critical circumstances, the erstwhile Manuel Rodríguez jumped to the lead, haranguing and rallying the soldiers with the cry "There's still a country, citizens!" ISBN 0-7195-5566-3. O'Higgins became the leader of Chile starting from 1818-1823 and he strengthen Chile as a nation. (Prago 141) A little while later, Osorio entered Santiago and put the rebellion of the Patria Vieja to an end. In May 1808 the overthrow of Charles IV and Ferdinand VII, their replacement by Joseph Bonaparte and the start of the Peninsular War plunged the empire into a state of agitation. Moreover, the Supreme Central Junta, which had governed the Empire for the past two years, had abolished itself in favor of a Regency Council. The patriot artillery on the right fired on the royalist infantry on the left. - The privileges of Spaniards Spaniards in the administrative positions of government and commerce, disfavouring the Creoles childr… Traditionally, the beginning of the war is dated as September 18, 1810. O’Higgins and Carrera then joined forces with José de San Martin (1778- 1850), who for three years had been organizing and training an army at Mendoza in western Argentina for the liberation of Peru by way of Chile. The Chilean ruling elite adopted a free trade policy already in 1811 with the "D… The majority of the people were fervent royalists but were divided into two groups: those who favored the status quo and the divine right of Ferdinand VII (known as absolutists) and those who wanted to proclaim Charlotte Joaquina as Queen (known as carlotists). Spain was occupied in 1808 by the French troops, who took advantage of the situation of political, economic and military weakness that the Spanish kingdom had to conquer it. They made an embrace on their horses, now known as the “Embrace of Maipu”. In the confusion, a false rumor spread that San Martin and O'Higgins had died, and a panic seized the patriot troops, many of whom agitated for a full retreat back across the Andes to Mendoza. Pincheira brothers) occur until the late 1820s. [3] This allowed the country in the mid-19th century to exploit the opportunities that the California Gold Rush and the Australian gold rushes created for exporting wheat. Immediately, political intrigue began amongst the ruling elite, with news of the political turbulence and wars of Europe all the while coming in. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! ( Log Out /  As a result, the patriots re-entered Santiago. The Moderates, under the leadership of José Miguel Infante, were a majority, and wanted a very slow pace of reforms since they were afraid that once the King was back in power he would think that they were seeking independence and would roll-back all changes. One after another the military expeditions that it despatched to Upper Peru were driven back; and although a congress in Buenos Aires proclaimed the `independence of the United Provinces of South America’ in July 1816, the provinces of the Argentine interior, resolutely opposed to domination by the porteños of Buenos Aires, proved to be very far from participating in the unity. Burgos’ regiment severely punished the patriot left wing, mainly composed of emancipated slaves, and took 400 lives. The idea of full independence gained momentum for the first time. Also during his government, the first Chilean newspaper, the La Aurora de Chile was published under the editorship of Friar Camilo Henríquez. Harassed on all sides, Carrera resigned, in what is commonly taken to mark the beginning of the period of the Reconquista. Manuel Escalada led mounted grenadiers to capture the royalist artillery, turning them against their owners. At the September 18 session, they grabbed center stage with shouts of "¡Junta queremos! Chilean War of Independence was an armed conflict between pro-Independence criollos who sought political and economic independence from Spain and royalist criollos, who supported the continued allegiance to and permanence within the Spanish Empire of the Captaincy General of Chile. Governor Guzmán had suddenly died on February of that year and the crown had not been able to appoint a new governor before the invasion. However, the audacious and daring character of Cochrane conflicted with the excessive prudence of San Martín. The Junta then proceeded to take some concrete measures that had been long-held aspirations of the colonials: it created a militia for the defense of the kingdom, decreed freedom of trade with all nations that were allied to Spain or neutrals, a unique tariff of 134% for all imports (with the exception of printing presses, books and guns which were liberated from all taxes) and in order to increase its representativity, ordered the convocatory of a National Congress. Feeling secure of victory, he claimed that “Osorio is clumsier than I thought. The Chilean War of Independence was a war between pro-independence Chilean criollos seeking political and economic independence from Spain and royalist criollos supporting continued allegiance to the Captaincy General of Chile and membership of the Spanish Empire. ), the Moderates (Spanish language: moderados The Royalists were against any reform at all and for the maintenance of the status quo. The mutiny was successful in that temporarily sabotaged the elections, which had to be delayed. He claimed “Glory to the savior of Chile!”, in reference to San Martin, who praised him for going to the battlefield with his unhealed wound. In the meantime, Chile was facing its own internal political problems. During the preceding time, Juan Pablo Flanagan was installed as a new viceroy in Peru. By 1816 the royalist cause, backed by military power, appeared in the ascendant. An example of this is the stipulation that "no order that emanates from outside the territory of Chile will have any effect, and anyone who tries to enforce such an order will be treated as a traitor." The Chilean War of Independence was a war between pro-independence Chilean criollos seeking political and economic independence from Spain and royalist criollos supporting continued allegiance to the Captaincy General of Chile and membership of the Spanish Empire. ( Log Out /  This election was supposed to take place on April 10, but before they could be called the Figueroa mutiny broke out. In 1809 Governor García Carrasco himself was implicated in a flagrant case of corruption (the Scorpion scandal) that managed to destroy whatever remnants of moral authority he or his office had left. Carrera also created patriotic emblems for the Patria Vieja such as the flag, shield, and insignia. After a difficult crossing the Andes, royalist forces led by Rafael Maroto were encountered on the plain of Chacabuco, to the north of Santiago. We want a junta"). The date was set for September 18, 1810 at 11 AM. In Chile the initial move toward independence was made on September 18, 1810, when a cabildo abierto (open town meeting) in Santiago, attended by representatives of privileged groups whose vaguely defined objectives included a change in administration, accepted the resignation of the President-Governor and in his place elected a junta composed of local leaders. Napoleon replaced the Spanish king with his brother, Joseph Bonaparte. From 1810 to 1813 the course of the patriots was practically peaceful. Immediately after his appointment in July, the juntistas began to lobby him in order to obtain the formation of a junta. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Aristocratic Chileans began considering independence only when the authority and legitimacy of the crown were cast in doubt by Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Spain in 1807. However, this was not due to the military performance of Carrera, and his incompetence led to the rise of the moderate O'Higgins, who eventually took supreme control of the pro-independence forces. Pareja then attempted to take Santiago. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The Chilean war of independence - fought b/ween 2 sides: the pro-independence criollos and the royalist criollos. Chilean War of Independence was an armed conflict between pro-Independence criollos who sought political and economic independence from Spain and royalist criollos, who supported the continued allegiance to and permanence within the Spanish Empire of the Captaincy General of Chile. After vacillating for some time over which party to follow, Toro Zambrano finally agreed to hold an open Cabildo (city hall) meeting in Santiago to discuss the issue. All their armed forces were either killed or captured, and all their artillery, weapons, military hospitals, money and resources were lost. The patriots found in Santiago—among whom were members of the First Junta—were exiled to the Juan Fernández Islands. The Chilean War of Independence was a war between pro-independence Chilean Criollo peoples seeking political and economic independence from Spain and royalist creoles supporting continued allegiance to the Captaincy General of Chile and membership of the Spanish Empire.. Except for Osorio, who escaped with 200 cavalry, all top royalist military leaders were captured. On April 1, Royalist colonel Tomás de Figueroa—considering the notion of elections to be too populist—led a revolt in Santiago. The viceroy Abascal confirmed Mariano Osorio as governor of Chile, although a later disagreement between the two would result in Osorio's removal and the installation of Francisco Marcó del Pont as governor in 1815. His leader was Juan Martínez de Rozas. He built a navy, improved cities, promoted trade and agriculture, and opened public schools and libraries. 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