Riker and Troi gave int… If they had to fight, who would win? (TNG: Die Damen Troi), Während sich Lwaxana 2367 auf der Enterprise aufhält, lernt sie Doktor Timicin von Kaelon II kennen. Lwaxana Troi (played by Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, wife of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry) is Enterprise Counselor Deanna Troi's Betazoid mother. Episode 1.11: Captain Picard and some of his crew are caught in a death trap on the holodeck following a ship-level scan by an alien race. According to Barrett-Roddenberry, "Gene came home one day and said to me, 'Majel, I have a great part for you, and guess what – you don't have to act!" (TNG: Andere Sterne, andere Sitten), 2366 ist sie beim Abschlussempfang der betazoidischen Handelskonferenz zu Gast. Zu ihrer Tochter pflegt sie ein etwas kompliziertes Verhältnis. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi"), Lwaxana apparently "gave up the hope" for Picard, but the Enterprise still remained one of her favorite sites to visit. Campio was incredibly tied to protocol while Lwaxana was too free-spirited for him. Her first husband was a close friend of fellow ambassador Reittan Grax. Sirtis told Starlog the producers decided too much ability would be “too limiting” to the character. (Star Trek Monthly issue 32, p. 77). Deanna betrachtet ihre Mutter oft als Nervensäge, da sich Lwaxana bei ihren Besuchen auf der Enterprise meist nach ihrem Liebesleben erkundigt und stä… Deanna Troi. Watch the video. Lwaxana Troi, die Mutter von Deanna Troi. (TNG: "Haven"), She returned to the Enterprise in 2365 while she was in "the Phase," a period in a Betazoid woman's life when her sexuality is in a heightened state. Their marriage was canceled during the wedding when Lwaxana appeared to the ceremony in the traditional Betazoid way – without any clothes. A power failure caused the pair to get stuck in one of the station's turbolifts. Lwaxana gave him a particularly meaningful, and appreciative, smile in return. Her fellow ambassadors included Lojal, Vadosia, and Taxco. Picard found Lwaxana's presence aboard his ship to be an annoyance, but Lwaxana did not seem to be bothered by it. Unter dem Einfluss der Phase realisiert sie nicht, dass es sich um ein Hologramm handelt und will ihn sogar heiraten. Campio ist so entsetzt, dass er die Hochzeit unverzüglich unterbrechen lässt. Kestra ist die erste Tochter von Ian Andrew und Lwaxana Troi. As she walked up to the altar wearing all her finest jewelry – and nothing else – Alexander looked up at her, beaming with pride (apparently he had figured out what the issue was). Deanna first met William T. Riker in the year 2354 at the wedding of her friend, Chandra Xerx, when Riker was temporarily assigned to Betazed. Marina Sirtis was born in London, England, to Greek parents, Despina (Yianniri), a tailor's assistant, and John Sirtis. In that episode, several flashbacks introduced Troi's father Starfleet officer Ian Andrew Troi played by The Big Goodbye. It implied that her alien mother had an American accent and her human father had an alien accent. (TNG: Hochzeit mit Hindernissen), Bei ihrem Besuch auf Deep Space 9 im Jahre 2369 lernt sie Odo kennen, mit dem sie sich sehr gut versteht. Der von Lwaxana und ihren telepathischen Fähigkeiten faszinierte Ferengi entführt sie zusammen mit ihrer Tochter und Commander Riker, welche einen Landurlaub auf Betazed verbringen. Lwaxana irritated her daughter by communicating telepathically even though they were among non-telepaths, and later by gate-crashing her date with William T. Riker. When people think of Deanna Troi's love interests on Star Trek, it'd be difficult not to focus on her longterm on-again-off-again affair with none other than First Officer of the U.S.S. Im Jahr 2368 kommt sie auf die Enterprise um ihre Hochzeit zu verkünden. Enterprise, William T. Riker. Als Lwaxana auch noch verkündet, wegen Campio sogar auf eine traditionell betazoide Hochzeit zu verzichten, wird klar, dass sie unbedingt heiraten will, um ihrer Einsamkeit zu entfliehen. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi"), Lwaxana was part of a delegation of four Federation ambassadors visiting Deep Space 9 in 2369. (TNG: "Cost of Living"), Lwaxana also had a romantic attraction to Constable Odo, the security chief of Deep Space 9. Widowed/Annulled/Divorced Mithilfe ihrer telepathischen Fähigkeiten gelingt es ihr dabei, zwei antedeanische Attentäter zu enttarnen. Despite arranging a private romantic dinner, her advances for him failed. She recalled that her husband went on to describe the character to her as "the Auntie Mame of the Galaxy". Lwaxana's father was something of a traditionalist; he rarely spoke, saying it was for \"offworlders and people who didn't know any better.\" Both of Lwaxana's parents and sister had died by 2372. Aber auch andere Mitglieder der Crew, beispielsweise Commander Riker, werden von ihr als mögliche Sexualpartner ins Auge gefasst. Marital Status: (DS9: "The Muse"), Lwaxana in Picard's arms, after he saved her from Tog, Lwaxana first met Captain Jean-Luc Picard aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2364 when she boarded the ship from planet Haven to meet her daughter, Deanna. She destroyed everything that could possibly remind her of Kestra and also made her husband promise never to mention Kestra again. Daraufhin beschließt sie, weniger Rücksicht auf Campios Wünsche zu nehmen und erscheint, wie es die betazoide Tradition vorsieht, völlig nackt auf ihrer Hochzeit. She tried to seduce him, unfortunately quite unsuccessfully. Lwaxana described him as "not much of a conversationalist, but what a lover." Father: She also deleted all diary entries pertaining to her. Lwaxanas Tochter Deanna Troi dient als Counselor auf der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D). Episode 1.10: During a mission to a planet called Haven, Councilor Troi meets her husband, a wedding arranged by her father years ago, as the Enterprise encounters a much more lethal ship than any combat could provide. (DS9: Persönlich­keiten). Sie stirbt bei einem Unfall an einem See, als Deanna Troi noch ein Baby ist. Unfortunately, he was to perform the "Resolution," a ritual suicide which people of his race were expected to perform upon reaching the age of sixty. Lwaxana Troi: Mother of Counselor Deanna Troi, "Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed." She called Alexander her "little warrior. Xelo was Lwaxana's attendant before Homn. Her continuous attempts of seduction once again proved unsuccessful. (TNG: "Manhunt", "Ethics", "Parallels", "Ménage à Troi"), Lwaxana befriended Alexander Rozhenko, Worf's son, while visiting in 2368 with the intention of marrying Minister Campio on board. Directed by Robert Legato. Stardate: 41294.6 The mother of Deanna Troi, Lwaxana, pays a surprise visit to the Enterprise and announces the prearranged marriage of Deanna to the son of her Mother's late husband's best friend. Odo hilft Lwaxana, indem er mit ihr eine Vernunftehe eingeht, da bei den Tavnianern der Sohn als Eigentum des Ehemanns, nicht des Vaters, gilt. This child was the product of her union with the Tavnian Jeyal. (DS9: Persönlich­keiten, Das Festival, Die Muse), Nach dem Tod ihres Mannes Ian Andrew Troi ist Lwaxana auf der ständigen Suche nach einem Ehemann, oder zumindest nach einem neuen Liebhaber. Q was initially prevented from removing Lwaxana's power by another member of the Q Continuum, who allowed Lwaxana to use the power to teach Q a lesson about interfering in people's lives. Zu ihrer Tochter pflegt sie ein etwas kompliziertes Verhältnis. Officially, she was there to take part in the festival, but in reality, she was there to visit Odo. (TNG: "Manhunt"), In 2366, Deanna Troi fabricated a story involving Lwaxana visiting the USS Enterprise-D as part of an attempt to encourage Captain Jean-Luc Picard to take leave on Risa. According to Deanna, Ian worshiped Lwaxana. Lwaxana's father (deceased) In 1994 Marina Sirtis, who played Counselor Deanna Troi on "Star Trek: The Next Generation", several movies and shows shared a behind-the-scenes look at the costumes for the show. Fifth House of BetazedFederation In the novel Q-in-Law, Lwaxana formed a romantic attachment to Q. Lwaxana versucht, ihn aufzuheitern, da er gegenwärtig Probleme mit seinem Vater hat. Her family lived near Lake El'nar, of which she has both happy and tragic memories. It was that exchange that finally led to her appearance at the wedding ceremony in the true tradition of her homeworld. (TNG: "Cost of Living"). Occupation: At first, Q seemed to return the feelings, even to the point of sharing his power with her. William T. Riker (son-in-law)Ian Andrew Troi II (grandson, deceased)Thaddeus Troi-Riker (grandson, deceased)Kestra Troi-Riker (granddaughter) The character of Deanna Troi, and her relationship with the ship’s ... a skill she would later use only with her mother. She decided to concentrate all her energy to a single man, Picard. 1 Early life 2 Career (TNG: "Captain's Holiday"), Also in 2366, Lwaxana, along with Reittan Grax, was part of the delegation of the biennial Trade Agreements Conference on Betazed. She was kidnapped by Ferengi DaiMon Tog along with her daughter and Commander Riker. Betazoid Most people think of the ways Lwaxana badgers Deanna, expecting her to follow traditions, get married, eat less chocolate probably. It was included in the bonus video for the Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 7 DVD special feature "Dressing The Future Year Seven" ("The Process"). So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Her complete title is "Lwaxana Troi, Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed". Ambassador She wears traditional Betazoid attire, stubbornly prefers telepathy — oftentimes making non-telepaths uncomfortable, namely Captain Picard. Deanna later recalled how she cried after his death. Upon Lwaxana's return, she seemed eager to keep up the ruse, but Picard graciously returned her to Betazed – at warp 9. Nurse Chapel: Head nurse aboard the U.S.S. Finally, I've met a man who knows how to do it himself." (TNG: Die Frau seiner Träume), Die Botschafterin ist bekannt für ihren extra-ordinären Geschmack für Kleidung und Perücken, die sie auch bei öffentlichen Auftritten zur Schau stellt.
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